

If you're like me, you tend to tune out the advertisements that scroll across your newsfeed as you creep on what your second-cousin's boyfriend did on his vacation to Greece.

It's not that I don't support what these individuals are doing - I completely do! Sometimes it's just an overload of information and I'm not sure who to invest my time into.

If that sounds familiar, let me help you: Invest your time looking into Beautycounter.

Maci asked me if I would be willing to try out a few of her products and write an honest review of what I thought, so that's what this is. An honest review of Beautycounter. (I wasn't paid, this is just my thoughts).

First, a little about Beautycounter: Their mission is basically to spread the word about some of the harmful ingredients that everyday beauty brands have no problem putting into their products - ingredients that may be linked to cancer, hormone disruption, infertility, and other problems.

What? Trying to look nice for a date with my husband might be aiding in hormone disruption?

It's scary.

You know what else is scary, though? Changing your skin care routine. I know you ladies can relate.

A little about me: I have sensitive skin. I've given up dairy because it causes breakouts, I have to be careful about the moisturizer I use on my face, my skin is a pain in the butt.

So when Maci asked me to do this, it made me nervous, I'm not going to lie. I was nervous about changing up something that I had found that sorta works for me for something that I was unfamiliar with. (which I think is a theme in most people's live in general). But I said yes because, well, because I could.

The Nourishing Collection

I used the Nourishing Cream Cleanser with make-up on and it did a fabulous job ofRejuv and Noursh Line taking my make-up off, but you should note I don't use all that much make-up, so I can't comment on how it would do with more liquid-based foundations.

I followed that up with the Nourishing Cream Exfoliator - after such a short time am I allowed to say I'm in love? There was no greasy residue like I've found with other skin care products and my skin looked and felt amazing. Downside- it left my skin somewhat parched, but I believe if you followed up with the night cream that comes in this line it would help a lot. I did not do any overnight moisturizers just because, like I said, my skin is a pain.

The Nourishing Day Cream was also a hit. No greasy residue. I felt like it helped my make-up go on easier and there were no annoying dry skin patches like some other moisturizers leave.

All in all, LOVED the nourishing collection.

Charcoal Mask and Charcoal Bar

Charcoal mask, barI didn't do the full charcoal mask - I have in the past and it majorly dries out my skin. Instead, I did the overnight spot treating method. I felt like it brought the blemishes to the surface quicker, which in turn got rid of them quicker. Does that make sense?

The charcoal bar is interesting. I've never washed my face with something like that before. I did feel like it did a great job of getting my skin clean. It recommends you don't use it everyday, which I think is wise.

The Rejuvenating Collection

I tried the Day Cream from the Rejuvenating Collection. It wasn't my favorite. It's supposed to soften and soothe while increasing elasticity, but it was kind of chunky and hard for me to spread on my skin and left a bit of a greasy residue, which I'm just not really a fan of. Rejuv Line

I really like the Rejuvenating Eye Cream. I think some people pay too little attention to the sensitive skin around their eyes (plus I have genetically exaggerated bags under my eyes) so I try to take care of that area. I think it would be a good idea to try this product on a more long-term basis to see how it affects the dark circles. I can't comment on how it does on fine lines and wrinkles, but it's supposed to help with those as well.


All in all, I would recommend at least trying Beautycounter

Fan faves

I try to use safer products on my face as far as face wash and moisturizer, and my skin just looked and felt so much better after using Beautycounter products, even for as short of a time as I did. It's a little more money, but if you think of the benefits of not putting all of those harsh chemicals on your face, I really do think it's worth the investment.

If you're interested in learning more about it, I would encourage you to contact Maci through her Facebook page. She's easy to talk to and clearly loves what she does as a distributor for this company. I'm sure would be more than willing to help you figure out which Beautycounter products are right for you.

"This side "job" has brought me such a passion of sharing and educating how our beauty industry is in a lot of need. Just being educated has helped me in all areas of life and I have to thank Beautycounter and my lovely group of girls for having all the resources and tools to get to where I am now!" - Maci

Bonus- there are a few specials going on this month. Make sure you check out her Facebook page to find out how the products pictured below can be yours for FREE (who doesn't love free?)

Free samples