Top 5 Reasons to Run Away


If you get the chance to run away, do it. I don't mean pack a spotted handkerchief, tie it to a stick, and trudge down the railroad track. I mean like pack a suitcase, buy a plane ticket, and fully intend to come back.

I used to spin the globe we had in our living room and just place my finger on some foreign spot, pretending I had the opportunity to just pack up and leave. I grew up with a dad who traveled a lot and a mom who was wonderful enough to let him chase his dreams. I was always jealous when I saw those t-shirts being rolled up and the cameras being cleaned; I knew he was off to have an adventure and I was too young to join him.

Until I was 13. Magical 13. I was a teenager. I could drive the golf cart at Sandy Pines. I got my ears pierced. And I got to go to El Salvador with my dad.  After that, I was hooked. I loved the bustle of the airport, the smell of the plane, the thrill when I landed somewhere unfamiliar and nobody knew who I was or where I was from. There's just something magical about being unknown and not knowing where you're going.

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

I'm 23 now, and in the last ten years I've done more than my fair share of traveling.  I've gone solo, I've gone with family, I've gone with friends and I've gone with complete strangers. I've gone for a week and I've gone for several months. And they've all been magical. All of these trips hold a special place in my heart that will always yearn to have that time back, that reminisces about the people I've met and the food I've eaten while I can't sleep at 3 in the morning. A place in my heart that will always beat just a little bit faster when I see a map or pack a bag. I didn't set out to learn more about myself and life in general on these trips, I stumbled on these realizations.

Amalfi Coast, Italy

5. You get to eat new foods There are all sorts of foods you have the opportunity to eat when you run away. If you know me at all you shouldn't be surprised this made the list. Some of these foods may not be the most delectable, like the pickled herring I ate. Or they may be awesome, like the giant wheel of cheese I could barely hold onto. Say "Cheese!"Each culture has a new cuisine that's just waiting to dazzle your taste buds. Plus, then you'll never have an excuse for running out of something new to make for supper once you come back home.

4. You get to meet new people This world is chock full of people we'll never even know exist. When you run away, it gives you the chance to meet some of them. Even if only for a moment. Learning a new dance in Tanzania 3. You have new experiences Some of these experiences may come out of necessity: like staying in a hostel with complete strangers of both sexes because you don't have enough money for a hotel. Or sneaking more than the appropriate number of people into a hotel room because, again, you don't have enough money. But no matter what they are, these experiences will help shape you into the person you are; they'll help you understand your place in the world and see that you're not necessarily the center of it.

2. You gain a deeper understanding of God I'm not saying you can't be a wonderful Christian when you stay your butt at home, but I've found that God reveals something new about Himself each time I hop on a plane, train, or automobile. I wholeheartedly believe God made this world to be explored, and that each new person met and each new street traveled show you God in their own unique way. We have a very imaginative Creator and I know He's just bursting at the seams to show you a bit of His handiwork.

1. You find Home When I first started traveling, I did so because I really was running away. I did have the handkerchief-on-a-stick mindset. I wanted to leave behind my family, my friends, and everything I'd ever known. I wanted to be my own person and make my own way in life.

And I did.

And in so doing, I found my home. I found out who I was on my own, and that made me realize where I fit into my life in the place I left. Running away showed me that I can be my own person while still being part of a bigger family picture. It showed me the beauty in small town living and the joy and utter peace that comes from knowing exactly where you belong. I used to leave like there was something chasing me, and now I leave knowing I'll figure out something new to love about the place I'm leaving and the people I wave goodbye to. And I can't wait to come back.

 "Then you will go safely on your way, and you will not hurt your foot. When you lie down, you will not be afraid. As you lie there, your sleep will be sweet." Proverbs 3:23-24