Making my Drop Count

Whenever I know there's a change coming, or that I should be making a change, I get this restless feeling in my gut. It's kind of like a cross between half nauseous, half giddy. I got it when I was supposed to go to Europe and I didn't want to. I think I got it when I was deciding whether or not to go to Tanzania with my dad, despite the cost, and I got it when I was supposed to seek out a new job, resulting in the one I currently have. And love.

So I know this feeling well, and I know that it's God's "unique" way of talking to me. I say unique because I'd much rather He send me a text or have an angel deliver the message personally, but I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?

So I have this nauseous, giddy, weird feeling again. And I'm not sure why. I literally just wrote a post about being content with what I have, and now there's this. God has a timing I just can't keep ahead of.

I fully believe God has placed each of us where we are for a reason, which is why I've chosen to love the life I live and live the life I love, right where He's planted me. But I also believe that God calls us not to be complacent with where we're at. I know that life is best lived outside our comfort zone, and I think maybe I'm getting too comfortable.

This couldn't be any more true

It's much easier to ignore this feeling, to push it down and brush it off and save it for another day, but is that really why we're here? Have we been placed on this earth, created in God's image, to simply do what we want, when we want, with whomever we please? I don't believe so. God has pulled me out of pits, He's placed me on mountaintops. He's cheered me on at my lowest and adored me at my highest. I know I owe it to Him to heed the call, whenever He calls.

Have you heard the phrase a single drop raises the ocean? I don't like that one. I recently read one attributed to Rumi that says, "You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop." I prefer that. Makes me feel more....powerful? I'm not sure.

It also makes me feel like I have a huge responsibility, not only to myself and to God, but to those who are adrift on my ocean. Do you know how many people you impact on a daily basis? I sure don't. I've had people whom I haven't talked to in YEARS come up and tell me they read my blog. What? This thing I sit on my couch and let pour from my deepest, darkest places? It feels a little personal. But then again, how else are people going to know what's been laid on my heart?

For that reason, because I don't know how many people I'm affecting, or how I'm affecting them, I'll listen to my gut, er, God. I'll let this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach lead me to places I've never known and to people who have and will literally change my life. 3 of my greatest adventures have come from following this feeling, so I don't plan on stopping now. I guess I'm not really sure what the point of this blog is, I don't know where this gut feeling is leading or how it's going to affect my life, but I am so excited to find out.

Is God calling you to places you once thought were out of your reach? Trust me when I say I have personal experience that NOTHING is out of His reach. If you're called to it, you'll be lead through it. Good or bad. I promise. So just go. Take the leap and fly. After all, we only get one drop to make a difference.

"I hear Jesus’ voice and He calls me by name and leads me out. Jesus goes before me and I follow him, for I know his voice. I will by no means follow a stranger." John 10:3-5