Lauren Kleyer

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Do you really believe #lovewon ?

My initial reaction today when I heard/read the news of the Supreme Court's ruling was to be mad at our government and at our president. How could they do this to us? While we may feel like shaking our fist and writing angry tweets directed Washington's way, can we really say we've done our part to prevent it? My newsfeed is filled with exclamations of "love" "it's about time" "way to go America!" and rainbow flags, and the thoughts that cross my mind are "What kind of people am I surrounding myself with?" and "Does my faith influence them at all?"

While today's ruling is seen as a win for America and a leap forward to "acceptance," it's a huge defeat for the church. Not that long ago my parents and I were talking about how we as a church haven't done our part to stand up for our beliefs. We often sit by the way-side and don't voice our opinions because we don't want to be seen as homophobic or unloving. At least, that's what I do. And now the result of our sitting by is rearing it's ugly head.

While I am super disappointed in our president, the very same president who, not that long ago, claimed he was all about keeping marriage between a man and a woman (Read more about that here) I am more disappointed in those of us who call ourselves Christians.

"This decision affirms what millions of Americans already believe in their hearts: When all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free,"(Full article) said our Commander-in-Chief. He ended his tweet today with this hashtag: #lovewon

Love won. The same love that brought Jesus down from Heaven, a place of perfection and utter joy, to be born in a manger? The same love that helped Peter walk on water without fear? The same love that lead the most powerful man in history to willingly die for each one of us? The love that we should be showing to our fellow man, no matter their circumstance or position in life? I don't think that love won today. I think a love that was instilled in us the day we left the garden won today. A love that, when tested, will not hold up on judgement day.

No, we haven't done our part in this country to share the love that should have won today. Jesus calls us to live out our faith, and I know that I haven't lived up to that. Our country is headed down a track that only God can change. It's time for us as a body of believers to stand up and speak out. We do have a voice. The government might not want to listen, and it might be a very unpopular opinion, but we can still talk.

Billy Graham

Come quickly, Lord Jesus. We need you.

Side note: I am NOT homophobic, I am just a firm believer in the Bible and what is stands for. Which, according to today's standards, is apparently the same thing.