So now what: Moving forward with hope after miscarriage

There’s such an intricate mix of hope in God’s goodness and the knowledge that we still live in a very much fallen and depraved world. As we move forward, I find myself letting that darkness overshadow the hope and asking myself, “What if it happens again? What if I can’t get pregnant? What if?” But I’m reminded the worst case scenario has happened, and God has been faithful. This brings the hope back into focus.

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Chasing Balloons

The things of this world are enticing, shiny, and beautiful. But dig beyond surface level and you’ll find they’re empty, useless. So what’s the alternative? How do we get back on course if we find ourselves stuck in the slippery ruts of this world?

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Home, LifeLauren KleyerComment
We're Called to More

The first tendrils of morning light show traces of the sun. The weary mother feeding her child takes comfort in the fact that day is here. The anxiously awaited new morning, full of promise and moments not yet touched has arrived. As Christians, we’re called to be like those first traces of light.

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8 Things Every New Momma Should Know

While this is just a taste of what I’ve learned about parenting in the last 7+ months from all the amazing women and mommas I’m surrounded with, I hope it’s helpful to you! Motherhood is hard. It’s a beautiful, messy, all-consuming role that completely turns your life upside down in the most wonderful way. Having help trying to figure out which way is up is absolutely necessary.

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