Lauren Kleyer

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More than Enough

I'm sitting here with my husband trying to figure out which movie to watch on Netflix while our mouths water thinking about the homemade pizza we're going to make later, and I'm happy. And saying I'm happy makes me happy. How sappy, right.

Like I've written in a past post, I'm not really sure how I got here, and I'm not really sure why I was blessed with so much. I used to think that being this way meant I was burdened with some great responsibility, like somehow I was supposed to make this huge difference in the world in one fell swoop. And that really bothered me.

Partly, I just really wanted to be remembered. I mean, who wants to go through life knowing that at the end of it all, when they're laid beneath the daisies, that's it? Obviously I realize I have life after death. And that's the biggest comfort I carry with me in life, knowing I'm loved by Him. But as far as earthly love goes, I wanted more. I wanted to make a name for myself, one that would be remembered long after I was gone. Like Nelson Mandela, Angelina Jolie, or Babe Ruth. I bet all of you know who those three people are. If you don't, Google it.

But as I get older, as I mature and figure out what life is actually about (I say that loosely, I have a long way to go), I realize that being famous, being in the movies or in the history books, really isn't what I want.

What I really want out of this life is to be loved, and to love in return.

When I wake up in the morning and Husband is lying beside me, that's joy. When I go to work and do my small part to help, that's enough. When I can clean the house and make lunches and do all the mundane tasks that take up more than enough time, that's what really matters.

I won't go down in history. I won't be known outside our small town and my loving family. And that's OK. Knowing my husband loves me and would do anything for me, knowing my nieces are excited to see me when I walk through their door, could I really ask for more?

God's called us all to specific tasks in our life, and He's placed us all where we're supposed to be at. Obama was called to be president, and I was called to be a wife, an employee, an aunt, and, Lord willing, someday a mother. While at one point in my life I'd hoped to be a different kind of famous, I've realized that the life God has given me is so much more than enough.

I am happy. I am at peace. It is well with my soul.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4